Street fighter iii 3rd strike character list
Street fighter iii 3rd strike character list

street fighter iii 3rd strike character list

  • Bonus Heal and Shield Power Per Stack: 7% (maximum 35% at 5 stacks) -> 6% (maximum 30% at 5 stacks).NOTICE: These are informations from parent game sfiii3 - Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Euro 990608)Arcade Video game published 23 years ago: Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike: Fight For The Future © 1999 Capcom.
  • Active Cooldown: 90 seconds -> 110 seconds.
  • street fighter iii 3rd strike character list

  • Blackout Cooldown: 45 seconds -> 35 seconds.
  • Unmake Magic Resist Reduction: 5 (+1% bonus health), capped at 20 -> 5 (+1.2% bonus health), capped at 25.
  • Critical strikes on Q - Burst Fire grant Zeri an additional R - Lightning Crash stack and an additional instance of E - Spark Surge’s cooldown reduction (at most two procs per cast: one for Q upon hitting a champion and another if it crits on a champion) Zeri can now only gain one stack of R - Lightning Crash and one instance of E - Spark Surge cooldown reduction per Q - Burst Fire cast (excluding critical strikes).

    street fighter iii 3rd strike character list

    Q - Burst Fire now only applies on-hit effects once per cast Bonus Magic Damage Against Monsters: 50% -> 80% Wukong can now dash through terrain using W - Warrior Trickster. Fixed a bug where Gromp did not grant Rengar a stack of Ferocity. bonus damage is reduced by 40% against structures Pantheon now crashes down on his destination 0.25 seconds sooner

    street fighter iii 3rd strike character list

    Pantheon is no longer slowed if moving backwards while E - Aegis Assault is active. Cooldown Refund Upon First Basic Attack: 50% -> 60%

    Street fighter iii 3rd strike character list